
Archon's Blessing

Created by Snowleopardferret

Archon's Blessing is a Genshin Impact inspired ita bag. Swappable liners let this cosplay accessory change between all 7 elements.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Smoke Test today!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 04, 2021 at 12:17:54 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Hopefully a more satisfying thank-you gift
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 30, 2021 at 03:01:59 AM

Thank you, travelers!!

I am absolutely floored by the response our project has gotten! 15k raised, that's so much! This makes Archon's Blessing my most-funded ita bag to date - a personal best! And I couldn't have done it without your incredible support! So many exclamation points!!

We got so close to the Snezhnaya goal it's almost criminal, and I think we could all use a little extra joy, so I'm just unlocking it for us anyway! You'll be able to select from all four canon vision designs in the BackerKit surveys. It's already in my manufacturer's queue, and I'll be able to show you sample pictures along with the Inazuma bag! It's the least I can do to show appreciation for the incredible support you've given me.

Speaking of BackerKit - you should be receiving those emails within the next two weeks or so! Through the BackerKit store, you'll be able to select your rewards and make additional purchases.  This is also when we will be charging for shipping costs as outlined in the Kickstarter and will be based on weight and country! Please make sure to keep an eye on the email that is attached to your Kickstarter account, as that is where the link will be sent.

I've had a few folks inquire, and I wanted to make reassurances here that these bags will also be available for purchase after backer rewards have shipped! You will be the first to recieve the bags, and you'll have paid the lowest price, but the window to get these is not closing by any means! (I also have plans to run a version 2 of this project once more canon designs are released~)

Thank you again, SO so much, for going on this journey with me. May the RNG gods be on your side!


INAZUMA UNLOCKED! (New tiers + Production Forecasting)
over 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 07:46:45 PM

Break out the fireworks, we made it to Inazuma!!

Hello all! Wonderful update to bring to you today! We have officially unlocked Inazuma visions to add to the collection! With these new bags come two new tiers available - Grandmaster and Ascendant bundles, which now represent the complete set! 3 bags, 3 filler pinsets of primos, and your choice of number of elemental liners! Please note that Inazuma and Mondstadt bags will be able to share liners!

Accordingly, we also have updated shipping estimates for the new tiers!

An important update about the estimated delivery date - October was an estimation based on full production capacity and only having two bags to manufacture - (the latter a wonderful problem to have!) As the late pandemic plays out, new worker safety measures are being implemented in many factories around the world - our manufacturer is no stranger to ensuring employee safety, and as such their production capacity is currently halved. This is highly likely to impact delivery date. Rest assured I will keep you updated as new information comes to light, and will publish an update on this exclusively when I have final dates on the full production. Thank you so much for your patience on this matter, it directly translates to the health and safety of our workers!

I want to take a moment to offer the most heartfelt thank you imaginable - this bag represents my most successful kickstarter to date, and there are still eight very important days left in the campaign! Don't count that Snezhnaya vision out of the running just yet, we're only 4k away!

We are FUNDED!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 05:09:31 PM

With 35 days left to go we are officially FULLY FUNDED! To put it mildly: yay! I cannot thank you all enough, there just aren't enough words to hold all my joy. It is a deep honor to be so well received and funded so quickly.

While we're here, let's chat! Tell me who you main in Genshin, and who you can't wait to see show up in a future banner! I main Diluc and Kazuha, and I am saving up hoping for Baizhu's release. What about you?

Inazuma Stretch Goal
over 2 years ago – Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 09:18:43 PM

Hello Travelers!

      First of all I wanted to thank everyone for such an explosively positive reception so far - we are over halfway to the Inazuma stretch goal! As such, I've already begun work with the manufacturer to produce a sample. Want to help us get to Inazuma faster? There's something very simple you can do about it! Share the campaign! I'm on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and even TikTok - even something as simple as a reblog/retweet can bring new backers in!

A second point of order - as requested, I have estimates for shipping rates! These will be paid via backerkit after the campaign closes. The chart is added to the body of the Kickstarter as well as here.

Thank you all SO MUCH for the incredible showing of support! I cannot wait to get these visions out into the world! Until next update, I wish you all the best gacha luck!